Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A "note" about sound bites.

Just to clarify-

There are various sound bites of all the arrangements you can download and play so you can get an idea of how the arrangements should sound. Some are MP3 files created by Martin Pracher using different instrument sounds and are WONDERFUL! Although it takes hours for him to render each arrangement and is too labor intensive for him to continue this way.

Some are MP3 files created by my Personal Composer recording system. (Not as great, but serviceable.) For some reason the system occasionally speeds up in stead of slowing down when it reads a retard in the music, or it slows WAY down for the entire piece. So I usually eliminate the retardando marking when doing the recording. You just have to remember to add it back when practicing the music.

A few were recorded by me in an actual recording studio. (Clearly the best, but expensive and time consuming.) While I wish I could record every arrangement in a studio with actual people singing the parts, this is just not possible when I am offering the music free.

So now you know more about the music files than you wanted to know! Just remember that they are not meant to be used as performance sound tracks.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!

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